These little darlings arrived today. Thirty Khaki Campbell ducklings and twenty-five Silky bantams.
Last year we raised six ducks from the farm store. Out of the six, only two were female the other four were males. Not a good ratio if you are trying to sell duck eggs. All of these new ducklings are female, or so the hatchery claims. We will find out in about three months.
The Silky bantams are our only live bird flock. We raise and sell them to backyard chicken fanciers. They are great little birds, not too flighty and even the roosters like some pets sometimes. Last year we raised fifteen and sold about half of them. This year we hope to start a small breeding flock with these and the few we saved from last year.
Below is a picture of our two Blue Splash Silky hens and “Snowball” our White Silky rooster at the water tank. The ginger the is at the edge of the picture is “Rusty” our Red Silky rooster. None of these birds weigh more than two pounds and are fully grown. We also have two Black Silky roosters, “Pompeii” and “Aries”.